Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Social Network

Facebook, we have all heard of it and most of us have it.It has evolved from an online network to a whole social ordeal that is taking over! Recently I went on Facebook and searched an old friend not be totally stalkerish, and then BAM we were no longer friends which means this person DEFRIENDED me! If someone told me two years ago that to be considered friends with someone I would have to confirm their friend request and interact with them on a daily basis on a weird new website to determine my relationship with a person I would have declared BS!!! However my feelings were hurt and I felt completely undermined but I stopped myself and asked "Does it matter?" Guess what it doesn't and I am putting my foot down, I will not let this upset or decide how I act because guess what? I am in charge NOT the computer! So now when I feel frustrated that is what I reminded myself ...and that jerk won't be able to look at my gorgeous picture anyways so I WIN.

P.S. "To poke or not to poke???" Who really knows...

1 comment:

  1. Copyright Tricia Noyes the phrase "To poke or not to poke?"
