Friday, May 6, 2011

Cinco de Oh My

Last time I blogged not only was I single but it was winter (eww)!!? It's crazy but not only was yesterday Cinco de Mayo it was also my boyfriend and my two month anniversary! That must be a good sign since I love sombreros (hats in general), tacos and Mexicoooo :) As a small celebration I went to Taco Bell and ordered enough tacos to feed a quinceanera and took them to my boyfriends house and left them in his mailbox-hehehhe! He loved them and I love pulling surprises. Next year not only will I be driving my hot red jeep but Cinco de Mayo will be on a friday.....HELLO MEXICAN FIESTA!!! I figured since this summer will be the third year that I will be out of the country for Fourth of July I might as well celebrate the Independence day of my fellow neighbor country, after all I'm working on my Spanish ;) So on a more important and carefree note who else can't wait for summer? How about this girl right here! I'm going on a three week sailing trip, going to my friend's lake house and hitting a caribbean cruise with one of my besties! Along with sipping smoothies, swimming (more like laying next to a pool of some sort) and rollerbladding to my boyfriends house I'm going to three concerts: Wiz Khalifa, Katy Perry and the comdian Brian Reagan! Excitement is in the air.....

Monday, January 24, 2011

Valentine Oh Valentine

"Boys, Boys, Boys, We like boys in cars, boys, boys, boys, buy us drinks in bars......." As I may quote Lady Gaga, I have to agree that boys are on all of our minds as Valentines Day approaches! Of course I practically have to fight off the guys begging me to be their valentine but I still have fun. ( That was a joke but it shouldn't surprise you) This year I have a friend who recently broke up with her boyfriend-man does she know how to time things! So I will be trying hard to catch a date for the Valentine weekend but I have quite a few hotties to choose from, its just the choosing that's difficult ;)

Friday, January 21, 2011


I hope you have seen this movie because it is truly magnificent!!! No not in filming style or story line but the fact is it is one of the movies that makes you laugh until you cry no matter how many times you have seen it. Now i am happy to share the joyous news that Ben Stiller has officially confirmed there is to be a Zoolander 2!!!! Start singing some Jitterbug cause Derek Zoolander is back! 

Here is an ORANGE MOCHA FRAPPUCCINO that I recently had, if you've seen the film then you would understand its importance. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Social Network

Facebook, we have all heard of it and most of us have it.It has evolved from an online network to a whole social ordeal that is taking over! Recently I went on Facebook and searched an old friend not be totally stalkerish, and then BAM we were no longer friends which means this person DEFRIENDED me! If someone told me two years ago that to be considered friends with someone I would have to confirm their friend request and interact with them on a daily basis on a weird new website to determine my relationship with a person I would have declared BS!!! However my feelings were hurt and I felt completely undermined but I stopped myself and asked "Does it matter?" Guess what it doesn't and I am putting my foot down, I will not let this upset or decide how I act because guess what? I am in charge NOT the computer! So now when I feel frustrated that is what I reminded myself ...and that jerk won't be able to look at my gorgeous picture anyways so I WIN.

P.S. "To poke or not to poke???" Who really knows...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011